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How to Filter A Report in Quickbooks

QuickBooks: Filter Report

QuickBooks provides a filter program or ‘pass-through’ code that examine all input and output request before proceeding it. It is present in a modifying report dialog box in Quickbooks. Filters are an interesting tab that mainly used to get specified information related to the profession. Helps in analyzing all income and expense related documents. QuickBooks contains filters such as: ‘list filters’, ‘content filter’, ‘text filter’, ‘data filter’, and ‘state filter’.


Steps to Filter a Report

  • First, select the ‘customize report’ using the report option.
  • Now choose ‘filter tab’ using the modified report dialog box in QuickBooks.
  • Then select the desired filter from the filter list option.
  • Now, edit the information that QuickBooks needs so the filter works correctly and properly.
  • You need to add the specified value for the report as per requirement.
  • After you select a filter and specified the given criteria then it gets listed in the ‘current filter choice list’.
  • You are also provided with to remove the current filter by simply click on remove selected filter.
  • For more filters setup you need to repeat steps 3 and 4 as followed above.
  • Once you finish with specifying filters, you need to click ‘ok’. Then the report updates get reflected in your filtering criteria.
  • You can also print the filtered report by saving it.

Advantages Of Filters

  • It helps in deleting transactions in bulk and also saw the information on linked transactions before deleting.
  • It provides backups that help in safeguarding your data effectively.
  • Highlights and tracks all vendor’s related bills easily on the same screen.
  • Provides you with an overdue list and reminders.
  • Deals with all open items and take fast action on it.

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Source: 99accounting





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