How to Pay Credit Card Bills in QuickBooks

How QuickBooks Incorporates Credit Card Bill Payments?

QuickBooks, along with many features also drives an advantage of paying the credit card bills through the software. It provides you with the flexibility in choosing to record and pay your credit card bills. Procedure to Pay Credit Card Bills in QuickBooks There are several ways which can go on the same page without any offense and hence all the ways can work out.

Procedure to Pay Credit Card Bills in QuickBooks

However, credit card charges can be changed which have been entered in QuickBooks 2017.

Options for recording credit card expenses:

  • Enter a bill to the Visa merchant, abridging the aggregate charges on one bill and entering a different line for each cost account sum.
  • Enter singular Mastercard charges. From the menu bar, select Banking, Enter Credit Card Charges. You may be provoked to add a Mastercard record to QuickBooks.
  • Utilize the QuickBooks Online Banking highlight and consequently download your Visa charges and installments straightforwardly into your QuickBooks information document. Not all charge card suppliers offer this usefulness. To see whether your card offers this choice, select Banking, Online Banking, Participating Financial Institutions from the menu bar.

Procedure for Bills Payments:

  • Explore to Pay Bills Menu

From the home screen, tap on the + menu and underneath the “Merchants” section select the Pay Bills tab.

  • Select Payment Account

In the upper left-hand side of the Pay Bills screen, you’ll see a drop down menu labeled Payment Account. Tap on the drop-down menu and select the suitable record from the alternatives accessible.

On the off chance that you paid these bills with Visa, select the fitting charge card account. Or, on the other hand, on the off chance that you paid these bills with check or with an online exchange, choose Checking.

In the event that you don’t print checks from QuickBooks and you’ve effectively associated your financial records, you can skirt the accompanying advances.

QuickBooks will coordinate downloaded installments to your merchants’ open bills and record your bill installments naturally. In the event that you haven’t effectively associated your financial records, at that point you’ll have to reveal to QuickBooks which charges you need to see and how you’d like them arranged.

To do this, select the radio button alongside the alternative labeled Show charges due at the very latest, at that point tap on the small Calendar icon to one side of the content box.

  • Pick the Bills you Want to Pay

In the table of bills underneath, check the boxes beside the greater part of the bills you need to pay.

In the event that you’d jump at the chance to make a fractional installment, you can change the Amount to Pay in the content box on the most distant right of the column. QuickBooks monitors despite everything anything owed on your bill.

  • Pick the Date to Pay Your Bills

Next, you’ll have to pick the Date you intend to pay the bill(s) you’ve chosen… or the date they were at that point paid.

To do this, find the “Installment Date” section and tap on the small Calendar icon, at that point pick a date starting from the drop schedule.

  • Enter Payment Method

In the base right-hand side of the Pay Bills screen, you’ll see the “Installment Method” segment. Here, you’ll have to tell QuickBooks in the event that you composed a check by hand or in the event that you have to print out a check.

On the off chance that you composed a check by hand, tap the radio catch next to Hand-composed check, and enter the check number in the content box labeled “Starting Check No.”

On the off chance that this was an online installment, sort “EFT” (for Electronic Funds Transfer); or, in the event that you paid utilizing a platinum card, sort “Charge.”

  • Audit and Pay

Pause for a minute to survey the dates and installment technique points of interest you’ve entered, and once you’ve entered everything the way you like it, click Pay Bills in the base left-hand side of the screen.

You can likewise click Pay and Print if you’d get a kick out of the chance to keep a printed duplicate for your records.

QuickBooks is one of the biggest accounting software which offers features which deliver an efficient use of the software. Procedure to Pay Credit Card Bills in QuickBooks However, there are errors which might pop up at any situation and is difficult to conquer. We have QuickBooks experts who would acknowledge your concern and deliver a strong expertise solution. You can call our QuickBooks 24*7 Customer + contact and get instant solution for your query.

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Source: 99accounting




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